

Third-party cookies
In the event that third-party software solutions use cookies, this will be stated in this privacy policy.

Known cookies used by us and their purpose:
 ● Privacy Statement cookie (Allows logged-in users to view the privacy statement only when it is updated)
 ● Standard login cookies (Ensure that a logged-in user remains logged in)
 ● Google Analytics cookies (Monitor visitor behavior)

You can choose to disable cookies by utilizing the options in your browser. More information about these options can be found on the website of your browser provider.

Monitoring Visitor Behavior uses various techniques to track who visits the website, how visitors behave on the website, and which pages are visited. This is a common practice for websites as it provides information that contributes to the quality of the user experience. The information we collect via cookies includes, among other things, IP addresses, browser types, and visited pages. We also monitor where visitors first access the website and from which page they leave. This information is kept anonymous and is not linked to other personal information.